Preparing Kids for the Real World

Last week, I talked about how we cannot force our children to behave any more than someone can force us to drive the speed limit, pay our bills, or show up to work on time. Yes, there are consequences if we don’t, but can anyone really force us? Does that mean we have to surrender to our kids’ misbehavior?


Listen to the two reasons why.


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Discovery Call Request with Kerry

The best way to find out if we’re a fit to work together is to have a good old-fashioned conversation. I offer 25-minute complimentary, no-pressure chats so we can meet each other. On our call, I’ll ask you questions about your goals and be honest about whether I can help. If we both think it’s a good fit, you can schedule your first online or in-person therapy session. So easy. 

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I look forward to discovering if we are a good fit.