Have You Told Your Kids This Recently?

It’s Palmer today! The 2-3 hour windows of sleep I’ve been getting the last week or two have been a bit rough, so I’m going to keep this email simple and action-focused. I know it’s only been two weeks since I last wrote to you, but somehow, these last two weeks have felt like two months. I’ve missed thinking about parenting and my work with tweens and teens.

I know my mom already told you, but my sweet little boy is safely here, and my goodness, what a ride these last 10 days have been. I can’t wait to share more about it and the things I’ve been reflecting on. 

Starting Tuesday, I’ll begin ramping back up, but for now, I just want to offer you this encouragement and invitation.

It’s not uncommon for people to go days, weeks, or even months without feeling truly seen or appreciated. So, I want to invite you to take a moment today to text or write a note to each of your kids, capturing your love for them in a way they can genuinely receive.

A not-so-secret trick of mine is that when I speak words of encouragement to a client or someone else I care about, I always highlight at least one positive, controllable trait of theirs that makes the world a better place. Broad compliments or simple “I love you”s are nice and have their place, but when we recognize something unique about someone, it can carry so much more weight – especially for teenagers. 

This isn’t rocket science, and you might already do it every day, but this is your chance to take three minutes and send that message. To them, it might feel like just another thing mom or dad says, but it could also be exactly what they needed to hear today.

I hope you have an amazing Sunday. I’m so excited for this next season as a parent and in my work, and I’m grateful to be on this journey with you!

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