No one wants to fail…right?

You got me, Palmer, today!

Nobody wants their life to turn out badly. As far as I know, most of us hope that our life turns out to be one of significance and that is aligned with the dreams we have for ourselves.

A lot of times I will hope something happens in my life but then let that be it, just something I hoped for. Then the day might come where I feel anxious, disappointed, sad, or frustrated that it didn’t come true.

So I try my best to make my hopes into a vision, that then becomes a plan, that I then take action towards. And you would never guess but those are the hopes and visions that become a reality 10x more often than the ones I just thought would be nice.

It’s a lot harder to make a vision come to life than it often seems. I think that’s why a lot of times we just let them stay these “oh sometime soon” wish because making it become a reality would take work and sacrifice. This doesn’t mean always being 100% GO GO GO because that isn’t realistic for accounting for life’s ups and downs. But what I hope it means is regardless of the ups and downs I do my best to be intentional with the life I am living and the goals I am pursuing. Whether it’s a leap in the right direction or just a small inch forward I try to keep myself coming back to the hope and vision I have for my life.

A hope and vision that I urge parents to not delay or let get away from them is the family they want to have and a consistent devotion of time to be intentional about how they want to raise their children and the parent they want to be. I have been shocked by the impact that even an hour or two of guided time once or twice a year can have on parents and how they show up. How parents show up is how kids grow up.

So my mom and I want to do just that and give you time and space to do some of that reflecting, vision setting, and planning to help support you create that vision and plan for your family so that it isn’t something you just hope for but that actually becomes a reality.

Kerry and Palmer


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