One Call Can Make All the Difference

Palmer here!

I got a call yesterday that filled my heart with happiness šŸ˜Š

It got me thinking about an often untapped super-ability parents can give their kidsā€”or use themselves.

The call was from a 22-year-old coaching client Iā€™ve had the privilege of working with for the past four years. He called because heā€™d been working toward a goal for a few weeks, and while heā€™d been doing great, last night he hit a rough patch. He started being pretty hard on himself and felt like throwing in the towel. Heā€™s usually very capable of talking himself out of a funk, but he just couldnā€™t shake the self-criticism and doubt this time.

So when I got that call at 9:30 at night and he told me he was struggling and needed someone to hype him up and clear his head, I felt so impressed, proud, honored, and excited!

I was impressed because how many of us are really willing to reach out when weā€™re struggling? So often, we tell ourselves itā€™s not that big of a deal and that weā€™ll figure it out on our own. Of course, we want to be able to self-regulate and be our own voice of encouragement, but letā€™s be realā€”we shouldnā€™t expect ourselves to ALWAYS push through challenges alone. If borrowing someone elseā€™s belief in us for a few minutes helps us get back on track, why not do it? Donā€™t let one tough moment derail you from your goals and the life you want. Weā€™re built to be in relationships because of the strength that comes from connection.

I was proud because how cool is it for a 22-year-old guy to recognize that the voice of negativity was getting too loudā€”and decide to kick it to the curb by asking for help?

I was honored and excited because itā€™s the coolest thing in the world to watch people push themselves and take ownership of their lives. Whether itā€™s for one person or 1,000, getting to witness and encourage growth is a true honor.

So what I hope my takeaway for you isā€¦

You, as a parent, have one of the toughest jobs on the planet. The reward isnā€™t some big paycheck or ceremony honoring the sacrifices you makeā€”itā€™s getting to watch your kids grow up and (hopefully) see them do things theyā€™re passionate about while giving you none of the credit you deserve. šŸ˜…
That means youā€™ll have to take it on the chin time and time again. When you feel like your resilience is wavering (it happens to everyone), I hope you have the courage to reach out to someone and borrow a few minutes of their belief in youā€”so you can better show up for yourself and your kids.

Youā€™re also tasked with raising and shaping your kids. Whether kids come to their parents in times of need is greatly influenced by the narratives they build about their parents. If they think mom and dad will only try to ā€œfixā€ them or tell them what they should do, theyā€™re far less likely to seek help.
So for all of you wonderfully eager parents who want to bestow your wisdom on your kids: More often than not, kids donā€™t need more guidance on what they should do. What they really need is encouragement for the things they are doing. Even if itā€™s the smallest, most seemingly insignificant thingā€”like putting their dirty clothes in the hamperā€”acknowledge it. Say, ā€œAwesome job getting all your clothes picked up. Thatā€™s so cool to see!ā€ I know sometimes it feels like more is needed but if they donā€™t believe you will be there for them for the small little things, they likely wonā€™t think you will be there for the big really tough things. Those little moments build trust, confidence, and a willingness to reach out when life gets tough.

If you ever need to borrow a few minutes from someone please reach out to them or one of us. We all need help sometimes and it can help us be better for our kids.

Always in your corner,

Kerry and Palmer:)

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