Reflections on on parenting, self growth, relationships, life balance, and so much more.

Have You Told Your Kids This Recently?

It’s Palmer today! The 2-3 hour windows of sleep I’ve been getting the last week or two have been a bit rough, so I’m going to keep this email simple and action-focused. I know

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How to Stop Having the Same Argument

Do you find yourself having the same frustrating arguments with your kid or partner over and over? You know, the ones where you feel hurt or worried… something tender… but

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Protect Your Peace

I was inspired by an article by motivational speaker and former NFL player Trent Shelton about how to protect our peace in a noisy world. He asserts that “protecting our peace isn’t

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The Key to Reaching Your Kids

Palmer’s turn for the Sunday email! I took the hint for what to write this week’s email about. Three different conversations with clients this week made one theme crystal clear:

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Prioritize What Matters Most

You got me today…Palmer 🤗 I don’t know about you, but being intentional in life feels harder than it looks. Everywhere you turn, it’s “Just do X, and life will be

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Sign Up for the Sunday Newsletter

Most Sunday mornings, my goal is to share stories from the heart, and thoughts about parenting, relationships, and self-awareness. I will also keep you posted about upcoming events and courses.

I promise not to overload your inbox and I will never (ever) share your email. I take this space very seriously, so my promise to you is always be transparent and speak straight from my heart, as open and honest as I know how to be. 


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Discovery Call Request with Kerry

The best way to find out if we’re a fit to work together is to have a good old-fashioned conversation. I offer 25-minute complimentary, no-pressure chats so we can meet each other. On our call, I’ll ask you questions about your goals and be honest about whether I can help. If we both think it’s a good fit, you can schedule your first online or in-person therapy session. So easy. 

I look forward to talking with you!

I look forward to discovering if we are a good fit.