Ten Must Have Baby Shower Presents Under $20

There are those people who follow registries and those that don’t.

10 Must Have Baby Shower Gifts Under $20If you’re feeling like a maverick and want to get your expectant friend something unique that she doesn’t yet realize she can’t live without, follow our guide below. (And each item has detailed explanations so upon giving the gift, you can tell her exactly why she must have it!)

1. Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator

Sounds super weird, but is the single most useful item I own. Babies get congested and can’t blow their own noses. In addition, there aren’t any safe medicines for babies to help dry up all that muck. Old fashioned “bulb suckers” don’t have the power that this one has. And when your precious baby is up with a congested nose and can’t breathe, you will want all the power you can find to clear out her precious nasal passages.

Buy the Nosefriday on Amazon.com

2. Wubbanub

One of the woes of newborns and younger infants is their inability to keep a pacifier in. If the pacifier falls out mid-sleep, screams ensure which could lead to an early wake-up, or at least a disturbed break for mom and dad. These cute little pacifiers feature an animal attached to them, to help “hold” the soothe in place. Genius!

Buy the Wubbanub on Amazon.com

3. Diono Backseat Mirror

Safety aside, no one is a fan of rear-facing car seats. I mean, the poor baby can’t see you, and you can’t see them! This large, easily adjustable mirror is perfect for checking in on baby, and is big enough for them to watch you. I even turn around at red lights to say “hi!” in the mirror, which my baby loves.

Buy the Diono Backseat Mirror on Amazon.com

4. Swaddle Me

I am a fan of the down home, do-it-yourself swaddle. I like knowing that I can bundle my little bundle in nothing but a 40 inch square of fabric. However, there are two features the Swaddle Me has that my old fashion swaddle doesn’t: First of all, it stays put. No more strong babies popping out of this one – which means more security for baby and fewer wake-ups. Second, you can easily check (and even change!) diapers without undoing the entire thing. Small slits on the back of the swaddle offer an easy way to check if the diaper needs changing, and the velcro lets you open up the bottom without undoing the top. Brilliant!

Buy the Swaddle Me on Amazon.com

5. GAP First Favorites

Oh my. Oh my. The softness of these onsies is exquisite. Compared to every other I’ve used, they are no match for the comfort of a GAP First Favorite. Pricy, yes. But mom will find herself reaching for this one first every single time guaranteed.

Buy First Favorites at Gap.com

6. Happiest Baby on the Block DVD

I know, everyone already knows about the book and probably has a copy from a friend. But if you know they don’t, this is a MUST HAVE for every new parent. With the DVD version you don’t have to burden the new parents with reading a new book – the DVD teaches everything in a short time and the visuals are super helpful. This, my friends, is magic.

Buy the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD on Amazon.com

7. Board Book Collection

With the cost of board books being between $3 and $5 each, a collection of four is a perfect little stack to give to any parent-to-be. (And no Goodnight Moon!)

Check out our list of Must Have, Unique Board Books

8. Baby Massage Oil

Forget the fancy “how-to-massage your baby” books – only moms with a full time nanny and 8 hours sleep will even have the time or patience to read it. And *spoiler alert* baby massage is all instinctual anyway! I mean, you don’t have baby on the bed saying “oh, there’s just this knot in my right shoulder mom!” So tell the parent-to-be to follow their instincts with this wonderful, safe, all natural baby massage oil from Arbonne.

Buy Arbonne Baby Oil on Amazon.com

9. Boon Pulp Feeder

This will sit on the shelf for about 4-6 months after the baby is born. But then, voila! It will be a life saver! This award-winning little tool is a must have for babies that are anxious to feed themselves solid food. Simply fill the little silicone tip with the juicy or easily mashable food of choice, and let the baby have it. No choking hazards and limited mess. And unlike the “mesh bag” self feeders, this one doesn’t flop over, is easy to clean, and doesn’t have that gross “i’m chewing on polyester fabric” thing happening.

Buy the Boon Pulp Feeder on Amazon.com

10. Knee High Baby Socks

There are two main problems with the standard baby socks available at the store.

#1) They don’t stay on. Ever! These short ankle socks are easily pushed off by kicking legs and diaper changing.

#2) Cold Legs!! How many times I’ve seen babies out in the cold and their pant legs are caught up around their knees from being carried, and their little ankle socks can’t cover all that exposed skin, leaving very chilly baby legs!

Knee high baby socks are hard to mysteriously hard to find in stores– but we have scouted out some options on Amazon that stay on and keep babies legs protected from the chilly winter air.

Buy Baby Knee Socks on Amazon.com

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